Below are the preliminary scripts used in the execution of our Aberration Detection model on retrospective data, as described in our submitted paper to JMIR Medical Informatics on 20/12/2022 [doi: 10.2196/45190]. Note that not included are the Support Vector Machines necessary for the complete execution of the model.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the project and it’s ongoing updates, feel free to send me an email!

Updated as of 27/12/2022

Algorithm for patients with oxygen saturation > 90%

#---- Import patient frame ----
# Import frame with following parameters: pt-ID, timestamp, heart-rate, invasive BP (dia / mean / sys) / resp. rate / saturation / nirs L+R / End-tidaL CO2
# Database selected: [nirs_ruben_brm]
pt_frame <- import_pt_frame(pt_id = **** )

# pre-processing: Numerize, set column-classes, mean the NIRS, lose unwanted columns, dichotomize End-tidal CO2
pt_frame <- pre_proces_frame(pt_frame)

# Set timeframe if necessary - Format: "%Y-%m-%d %T"
pt_frame <- pt_frame %>% drop_na(mon_hr, mon_sat, mon_ibp_mean, mon_rr, nirs_mean)
pt_frame <- timeframe(frame =  pt_frame, t_start = "2001-01-01 00:00:00", t_end = "2001-01-01 00:00:00")
pt_frame <- timeframe(frame =  pt_frame, 
                      t_start = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((1)* 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01")),
                      t_end = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((26) * 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01")) )

#---- Predict SVM-class & label unstable instances ----
# predict accordingly One-Class SVM (mu=0.05)
pt_frame <- predict_high_group(svm_high_group, pt_frame)

#---- Detect abnormal baseline variation ----
# Calculate mahalanobis distance using corresponding correlation-matrix
pt_frame <- norm_maha_dir(pt_frame)
# calculate 5-m and global averages
pt_frame <- moving_averages_single_pt(pt_frame)
backup <- pt_frame

#---- Labeling + 300s-moving window for false-positive prevention ----
# Label each instance
pt_frame <- label_high(pt_frame)
#  300s-moving window for stable / unstable according to 80%-rule
pt_frame <- label_replace(pt_frame)

#---- Detect sensor-dysfunction ----
# NIRS = 15 / 95 - sensory dysfunction
# IBP_mean above 110 or below 25
pt_frame <- sensor_dysfunction(pt_frame)
#---- Plot the vitals and their labels ----
# Plot the frame
       aes(x=pat_datetime, )  +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_hr, col="Heart Rate"), lwd=1) + labs (x="Time in hours", y= "", col="Parameters") +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_sat, col="Oxygen sat"),lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_ibp_mean, col="Blood pressure"), lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=nirs_mean, col="NIRS"),lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_rr, col="Resp. Rate"), lwd=1) +
  #geom_line(aes(y=(glob_5_m - glob_12)*4, colour="det coef"), lwd=0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(y=0, x=pat_datetime), col=pt_frame$label, size=3) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim=c(as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) +((0)* 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01") ),
                         as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((4)* 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01") )), 
                  ylim=c(0,200)) +
Algorithm for patients with oxygen saturation < 90%

#---- Import patient frame ----
# Import frame with following parameters: pt-ID, timestamp, heart-rate, invasive BP (dia / mean / sys) / resp. rate / saturation / nirs L+R / End-tidaL CO2
# Database selected: [nirs_ruben_brm]
pt_frame <- import_pt_frame(pt_id = ****)

# pre-processing: Numerize, set column-classes, mean the NIRS, lose unwanted columns, dichotomize End-tidal CO2
pt_frame <- pre_proces_frame(pt_frame)

# initiate label-class for coloring

    # Set timeframe if necessary - Format: "%Y-%m-%d %T"
    pt_frame <- pt_frame %>% drop_na(mon_hr, mon_sat, mon_ibp_mean, mon_rr, nirs_mean)
    pt_frame <- timeframe(frame =  pt_frame, t_start = "2001-01-01 20:00:00", t_end = "2001-01-01 00:00:00")
    pt_frame <- timeframe(frame =  pt_frame, 
                          t_start = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((13) * 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01")) , 
                          t_end = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((20) * 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01")) )

#---- Predict SVM-class & label unstable instances ----
# predict accordingly One-Class SVM (mu=0.05)
pt_frame <- predict_low_group(svm_low_group, pt_frame)
#---- Detect abnormal baseline variation ----
# Calculate mahalanobis distance using corresponding correlation-matrix
pt_frame <- meng_maha_dir(pt_frame)
# calculate 5-m and 12-h averages
pt_frame <- moving_averages_single_pt(pt_frame)

#---- Labeling + 300s-moving window for false-positive prevention ----
# Label each instance
backup_3 <- pt_frame
pt_frame <- label_low(pt_frame)
#  300s-moving window for stable / unstable according to 80%-rule
pt_frame <- label_replace(pt_frame)

#---- Detect sensor-dysfunction ----
  # NIRS = 15 / 95 - sensory dysfunction
  # IBP_mean above 110 or below 25
pt_frame <- sensor_dysfunction(pt_frame)

#---- Plot the vitals and their labels ----
# Plot the frame
       aes(x=pat_datetime, )  +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_hr, col="Heart Rate"), lwd=1) + labs (x="Time in hours", y= "", col="Parameters") +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_sat, col="Venous sat"),lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_ibp_mean, col="Blood pressure"), lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=nirs_mean, col="NIRS"),lwd=0.6) +
  geom_line(aes(y=mon_rr, col="Resp. Rate"), lwd=1) +
  #geom_line(aes(y=(glob_5_m - glob_12)*4, colour="det coef"), lwd=0.3) +
  geom_line(aes(y=0, x=pat_datetime), col=pt_frame$label, size=3) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim=c(as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) +((0)* 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01") ),
                         as.POSIXct(as.numeric(min(pt_frame$pat_datetime)) + ((4)* 3600), origin = ("1970-01-01") )), 
                         ylim=c(0,200)) +

Main functions
#---- Libraries ----

#---- Functions ---- 
label_high <- function(pt_frame){
  stable_label <- "forestgreen" # Color green
  unstable_label <- "red3" # Color red
  rapid_diff_label <- "darkorange1" # color orange
  sensor_error <- "yellow2" # color yellow
  # Label SVM-instances
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$label==TRUE] <- stable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$label==FALSE] <- unstable_label
  #---- Detect static abnormally high/low parameter - Heart-rate / Respiratory rate / mean Invasive blood pressure----
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_hr >= 200] <- unstable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_rr >= 70] <- unstable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_ibp_mean <= 30] <- unstable_label
  # label instances where avg maha_dist > 2*SD 
  # SD of the 80th percentile, stable population of 5-min corrected baseline: 1.715894
  # Handicap of 20% due to a stable factor: breath support
  pt_frame$label[(((pt_frame$glob_5_m - pt_frame$glob_12)*1) > (2*1.715894) )] <- rapid_diff_label
  # To allow for Baseline build-up, delete the first hour of the baseline
  pt_frame$label[1:3600] <- "black"
label_low <- function(pt_frame){
  stable_label <- "forestgreen" # Color green
  unstable_label <- "red3" # Color red
  rapid_diff_label <- "darkorange1" # color orange
  sensor_error <- "yellow2" # color yellow
  # Label SVM-instances
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$label==TRUE] <- stable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$label==FALSE] <- unstable_label
  #---- Detect static abnormally high/low parameter - Heart-rate / Respiratory rate / mean Invasive blood pressure----
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_hr >= 200] <- unstable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_rr >= 70] <- unstable_label
  pt_frame$label[pt_frame$mon_ibp_mean <= 30] <- unstable_label
  # label instances where avg maha_dist > 2*SD hourly avg values
  # SD of the 80th percentile, stable population of 5-min corrected baseline: 1.806616
  # Handicap of 20% due to a stable factor: breath support
  pt_frame$label[(((pt_frame$glob_5_m - pt_frame$glob_12)*1) > (2*1.806616) )] <- rapid_diff_label
  # To allow for Baseline build-up, delete the first hour of the baseline
  pt_frame$label[1:3600] <- "black"
sensor_dysfunction_depricated <- function(pt_frame){
  for(x in 1:NROW(pt_frame$label)){
    if(x>60){delta <- 60} else{delta <- x}
      if( (pt_frame$mon_ibp_mean[x] > 110 || pt_frame$mon_ibp_mean[x] < 25)){
        pt_frame$label[(x-delta):(x+60)] <- sensor_error
    if(!$nirs_mean[x]) == TRUE){
      if( (pt_frame$nirs_mean[x] > 94 || pt_frame$nirs_mean[x] < 16)){
        pt_frame$label[(x-delta):(x+60)] <- sensor_error
sensor_dysfunction <- function(pt_frame){
  progress = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrow(pt_frame))
  sensor_label <- "yellow2"
  # mon_sat
  sat <- as.vector(pt_frame$mon_sat)
  ibp <- as.vector(pt_frame$mon_ibp_mean)
  nirs <- as.vector(pt_frame$nirs_mean)
  rr <- as.vector(pt_frame$mon_rr)
  ibp_non_empty <- as.vector(which(!
  sat_non_empty <- as.vector(which(!
  new_label <- pt_frame$label
  for(x in 61:(nrow(pt_frame) - 60)){
    if(![x]) && ![x])){
      sat_non_na <- sat_non_empty[(which(sat_non_empty == x) - 3)]
      ibp_non_na <- sat_non_empty[(which(ibp_non_empty == x) - 3)]
      if(abs(sat[x] - sat[sat_non_na])>20){
        new_label[(x-60):(x+60)] <- sensor_label
      } else if(abs(ibp[(x)] - ibp[ibp_non_na])>20){
        new_label[(x-60):(x+60)] <- sensor_label
      } else if(nirs[x] == 95 || nirs[x] == 15 || rr[x] <= 10){new_label[(x-60):(x+60)] <- sensor_label}
  pt_frame$label <- new_label
label_replace <- function(pt_frame){
  label <- as.vector(pt_frame$label)
  progress_bar = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=NROW(label))
  new_label <- rep(NA,NROW(label))
  for(x in 180:NROW(label)){
    setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar, x)
    if(is.nan(mean(match(label[(x-180):x], "forestgreen", nomatch = 0))) == TRUE){
      new_label[(x-180):x] <- NA
    } else if(mean(match(label[(x-180):x], "forestgreen", nomatch = 0)) < 0.2){
      new_label[(x-180):x] <- "red3"
    }  else {new_label[(x-180):x] <- "forestgreen"}
  new_label[1:3600] <- "black"
  new_label[$pat_hosp_id)] <- NA
  pt_frame$label <- new_label
norm_maha_dir <- function(frame){
  progress = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrow(frame))
  z_frame <- z_frame_norm(frame)
  cov_vector <-   rbind( 
    c(1.00000000,  0.12100078,  -0.09072419, -0.21651711, -0.05940332),
    c(0.12100078 , 1.00000000 ,  0.00345409, -0.02515421 , 0.00945988),
    c(-0.09072419,  0.00345409 ,  1.00000000,  0.17382592 , 0.08150064),
    c(-0.21651711, -0.02515421,   0.17382592,  1.00000000,  0.16259491),
    c(-0.05940332 , 0.00945988,   0.08150064,  0.16259491,  1.00000000))
  temp_hr <- z_frame$mon_hr
  temp_sat <- z_frame$mon_sat
  temp_ibp <- z_frame$mon_ibp_mean
  temp_rr <- z_frame$mon_rr
  temp_nirs <- z_frame$nirs_mean
  temp_etco2 <- frame$mon_etco2
  output_mov <- NA
  frame$mov_maha <- NA
  for (x in 1:nrow(frame)) {
    setTxtProgressBar(progress, x)
    distance <- mahalanobis(c(temp_hr[x], temp_ibp[x], temp_rr[x],temp_sat[x],temp_nirs[x]),0,cov_vector)
    if(![x]) && temp_etco2[x] == 1){
      distance <- distance *1.2
    output_mov[x] <- distance 
  frame$mov_maha <- output_mov
meng_maha_dir <- function(frame){
  progress = txtProgressBar(min=0, max=nrow(frame))
  z_frame <- z_frame_meng(frame)
  cov_vector <- rbind(  c(1.00000000  ,0.03238790 , -0.06021655, -0.10987559, -0.1981539),
                        c(0.03238790,  1.00000000 ,  0.06019881, -0.01368552, -0.1051947),
                        c( -0.06021655 , 0.06019881   ,1.00000000, -0.07855231,  0.1396818),
                        c(-0.10987559, -0.01368552 , -0.07855231,  1.00000000,  0.3976323),
                        c(-0.19815388 ,-0.10519466 ,  0.13968180 , 0.39763234,  1.0000000))
  temp_hr <- z_frame$mon_hr
  temp_sat <- z_frame$mon_sat
  temp_ibp <- z_frame$mon_ibp_mean
  temp_rr <- z_frame$mon_rr
  temp_nirs <- z_frame$nirs_mean
  temp_etco2 <- frame$mon_etco2
  output_mov <- NA
  frame$mov_maha <- NA
  for (x in 1:nrow(frame)) {
    setTxtProgressBar(progress, x)
    distance <- mahalanobis(c(temp_hr[x], temp_ibp[x], temp_rr[x],temp_sat[x],temp_nirs[x]),0,cov_vector)
    if(![x]) && temp_etco2[x] == 1){
      distance <- distance *1.2
    output_mov[x] <- distance 
  frame$mov_maha <- output_mov
timeframe <- function(frame, t_start,t_end){
  frame$pat_datetime <- as.POSIXct(frame$pat_datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d %T")
  t_start <- as.POSIXct(t_start, format="%Y-%m-%d %T")
  t_end <- as.POSIXct(t_end, format="%Y-%m-%d %T")
  frame <- frame[frame$pat_datetime >= t_start & frame$pat_datetime <= t_end,]
z_frame_norm <- function(norm_frame){
  norm_frame[,c("mon_hr")] <- (norm_frame[,c("mon_hr")] - 144.41) / 18.568
  norm_frame[,c("mon_ibp_mean")] <- (norm_frame[,c("mon_ibp_mean")] - 54.01) / 9.794
  norm_frame[,c("mon_rr")] <- (norm_frame[,c("mon_rr")] - 34.76) / 8.748
  norm_frame[,c("mon_sat")] <- (norm_frame[,c("mon_sat")] - 95.56) / 3.237
  norm_frame[,c("nirs_mean")] <- (norm_frame[,c("nirs_mean")] - 71.68) / 11.97
z_frame_meng <- function(meng_frame){
  meng_frame[,c("mon_hr")] <- (meng_frame[,c("mon_hr")] - 156.82) / 18.375
  meng_frame[,c("mon_ibp_mean")] <- (meng_frame[,c("mon_ibp_mean")] - 52.45) / 7.994
  meng_frame[,c("mon_rr")] <- (meng_frame[,c("mon_rr")] - 34.35) / 8.268
  meng_frame[,c("mon_sat")] <- (meng_frame[,c("mon_sat")] - 75.26) / 7.7196
  meng_frame[,c("nirs_mean")] <- (meng_frame[,c("nirs_mean")] - 55.68) / 10.136
sql_connect <- function(){
  result <- odbcConnect("****", uid="****", pwd = "****")
import_pt_frame <- function(pt_id){
  conn_id <- sql_connect()
  query <- paste("SELECT  [pat_hosp_id],[pat_datetime],[mon_hr],[mon_ibp_dia],[mon_ibp_mean],
  [mon_ibp_sys],[mon_rr],[mon_sat],[nirs_l] ,[nirs_r],[mon_etco2] FROM [***].[***].[***] WHERE pat_hosp_id =", pt_id, sep = " ")
  data  <- sqlQuery(conn_id, query)
    cat("Attempting char-import, no numeric pt-ID recognized", "\n")
  } else {
    cat("Nrow:",nrow(data), " & Ncol:", ncol(data), "\n")
import_pt_frame_txt <- function(pt_id){
  conn_id <- sql_connect()
  query <- paste("SELECT  [pat_hosp_id],[pat_datetime],[mon_hr],[mon_ibp_dia],[mon_ibp_mean],
  [mon_ibp_sys],[mon_rr],[mon_sat],[nirs_l] ,[nirs_r],[mon_etco2] FROM [PICURED].[dbo].[NIRS_Ruben_compl] WHERE pat_hosp_id = '", pt_id,"'", sep = "")
  data  <- sqlQuery(conn_id, query)
  cat("Nrow:",nrow(data), " & Ncol:", ncol(data))
pre_proces_frame <- function(frame){
  colnames(frame)[1] <- "pat_hosp_id"
  frame <-[,c("pat_hosp_id","pat_datetime")], prep_model(frame[,
  #colnames(frame) <- c("pat_hosp_id", "pat_datetime", "mon_hr", "mon_ibp_mean", "mon_rr", "mon_sat", "nirs_mean", "mon_etco2")
  frame$pat_datetime <- as.POSIXct(frame$pat_datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d %T")
  # Initiate label-column for colouring puroposes
  frame$label <- NA
prep_model <- function(frame){
  # replace comma's to points, convert column-types to numeric
  frame <-
  # take mean of both nirs-values, if there are two present, lose both columns afterwards.
  frame <- cbind(frame[,c("mon_hr", "mon_ibp_mean", "mon_rr", "mon_sat", "mon_etco2")], nirs_simplify(frame[,c("nirs_l", "nirs_r")])[,3])
  colnames(frame)[6] <- "nirs_mean"
  # quantile_clean IBP_mean prior to normalization
  # - DEPRICATED - frame <- quantile_clean(frame)
  # lose both ibp Dia & sys
  #frame <- frame[,-which(colnames(frame)=="mon_ibp_dia")]
  # frame <- frame[,-which(colnames(frame) == "mon_ibp_sys")]
  # Dichotomise end-tidal CO2: 1 equals current breath-support, 0 equals no breath-support
  frame$mon_etco2[frame$mon_et_co2 > 0] <- 1
  frame$mon_etco2[$mon_etco2)] <- 0
  frame$mon_rr <- rollapplyr(frame$mon_rr,  (300),median,na.rm = TRUE,by = 1,partial = TRUE, fill = NA, align = "right")
numerize <- function(frame){
  frame <-, function(x){gsub(",", ".",x)}))
  frame <-, 2, as.numeric))  # Convert all variable types to numeric
nirs_simplify <- function(nirs_frame){
  nirs_mean <- nirs_frame %>% dplyr::mutate(nirs_mean = rowMeans(across(where(is.numeric)), na.rm=TRUE))
  colnames(nirs_mean)[3] <- "nirs_mean"
moving_averages_single_pt <- function(pt_frame){
  pt_frame$glob_5_m <- NA
  pt_frame$glob_12 <- NA
  cat("Starting 5m-frame \n")
  pt_frame$glob_5_m <- rollapplyr(pt_frame$mov_maha,
                                  na.rm = TRUE, 
                                  by = 1,
                                  partial = TRUE, fill = NA, align = "right")
  cat("Starting 12h-frame \n")
  pt_frame$glob_12 <- rollapplyr(pt_frame$mov_maha,
                                 na.rm = TRUE, 
                                 by = 1,
                                 partial = TRUE, fill = NA, align = "right")
predict_high_group <- function(svm_model, pt_frame){
  # drop_na: SVM does not know how to handle missing data
  pt_frame <- pt_frame%>% drop_na(mon_hr, mon_rr, mon_ibp_mean, nirs_mean, mon_sat)
  pt_frame$label <- predict(svm_model, z_frame_norm(pt_frame[,c("mon_hr", "mon_rr", "mon_ibp_mean", "nirs_mean", "mon_sat")]))
  # Complete the frame to account for missing values
  pt_frame <- pt_frame %>% complete(pat_datetime = seq.POSIXt(min(pat_datetime), max(pat_datetime), by = "secs"))
predict_low_group <- function(svm_model, pt_frame){
  # drop_na: SVM does not know how to handle missing data
  pt_frame <- pt_frame%>% drop_na(mon_hr, mon_rr, mon_ibp_mean, nirs_mean, mon_sat)
  pt_frame$label <- predict(svm_model, z_frame_meng(pt_frame[,c("mon_hr", "mon_rr", "mon_ibp_mean", "nirs_mean", "mon_sat")]))
  # Complete the frame to account for missing values
  pt_frame <- pt_frame %>% complete(pat_datetime = seq.POSIXt(min(pat_datetime), max(pat_datetime), by = "secs"))